I think I sudden realize my 512 GB HD has alot of free space to little. I aways upgrade to the latest OS on the day it releases or maybe 1 week at the most. Have been trying to upgrade xCode for months now, no success. The free version of Clean MyMac X didn't do much except save me 5 GB.Delete local versions of timemachine backup via 'tmutil listlocalsnapshotdates and deletelocalsnapshotdates.

Took a look at Storage, and rebooted in normal node. I always keep my ~/Libraries/Application Support, Logs, Caches, clean,.Cleaned up my Download folder of old *.dmg, *.pkg, *.zip and other larger files.Move my iOS backups to an external drive.Removed some applications, including Xcode.Gained some disk space back but the System Data has not budge at all. I've tried alot of things to reduce the storage on my HD. Left Top Apple Icon -> About This Mac -> Storage.