Civilian factories, military factories, dockyards, synthetic refineries, rocket sites, nuclear reactors, infrastructure, air bases, anti-air buildings, radar stations, naval bases, land forts and coastal forts.Add or remove the following buildings to any state in any country:.Spawn 7 different ship types (destroyers, light cruisers, heavy cruisers, battlecruisers, battlehips, carriers and submarines).Spawn ships in 6 different regions (Atlantic, Pacific, Baltic Sea, Black Sea and Indian Ocean).Manipulate the number of research slots of any country.Increase or decrease popularity of any of the four idelogies.Add and remove opinion and trade modifiers.Reason: Update mod to version: 10.07.23 File info Added by: TOP-Mods Author: DexertCz Mod version: 10.07.23 File format: ZIP File size: 1401. Add and remove army and air experience to your liking Mod «Rise of Nations» for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.14) +54 13:45 74.17K TOP-Mods Description Change List Previous versions Screenshots Last update: 12.07.23.Spawn preset or custom divisions anywhere and how many you want for any country.View a gallery showing all different autonomy states.Annex any country into any other country.Add claims to any state for any country.Move the capital of any country anywhere.If you have Any issues with the KR version, you need to navigate to: (Your drive that has HOI4): Steamsteamappsworkshopcontent3943601521695605gfxentities. KR has put in files in place that has made it so that overwriting them is next to impossible. Transfer states between countries as you like FOR THOSE WHO MAY HAVE ISSUE WITH KR, KX DOESNT APPLY.